Blog Human Chatbot

Today In the age of internet where every business is expanding and targeting global markets, but to reachout large and target wide range of consumers/customers and then generate leads requires a powerful online system in place.

And to build this system we need several components which can be define as digital assets!

Sound interested? If yes let’s deep dive and understand the concept of digital assets in today’s world of internet.


Before the age internet businesses were still exist there and operate normally in offline mode, where everything is performed manually which requires lots of manpower and limitations to geographical boundaries.

To run the sales and perform marketing, businesses mainly use print media for publications which again run with limitation of time and physical boundaries.

But after introduction of Internet in 1970’s, new age of publication started where computers occupied the publishing jobs with publishing softwares everything turned the table of marketing. Now everything done in lesser time and spread in widen area.

After dot net boom it actually opens new horizon for businesses. Since from the time today when we are entering in AI world there are tons of opportunities for every human being to take benefit from it.

And creating digital assets will be the way to achieve it.

What do you mean by digital assets?

DIGITAL ASSETS is self explaining word, as digital mean anything exist digitally and asset mean to have something which give/deliver some value after having/creating/owning it.


  • A domain name can be an asset
  • A website can be digital asset
  • Any social media account with good popularity can be digital asset
  • crypto currency can be a digital assets

It means anything digitally exist and can deliver value defined as digital assets.

How to create digital assets with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT’s chat bot capability to respond just human-like buzzed the AI chat bot industry

Building digital assets with ChatGPT involves leveraging the model’s capabilities to generate various types of content.


What is Chatbot?

Chatbot is a software application that can answer questions based on processed data available in the database, basically, it responds based on keywords available in the question. It can share details and act as a virtual assistant who can share information by on (its Chatting Robot).

What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is developed on GPT-3.5, a learned-in-the-classroom language model that generates human-like text. However, ChatGPT is more interesting than the prior GPT-3 model, which just absorbed text cues and sought to continue to use its own made content. It produces far more comprehensive writing and can even generate poetry. Memory is another distinguishing feature. The bot can recall previous comments in a chat and relay those to the user.

How to use ChatGPT and create digital assets

  1. Define Your Purpose: Clearly outline the purpose of your digital asset. Whether it’s blog content, social media posts, marketing materials, or any other form, having a specific goal will guide the content creation process.
  2. Understand Your Audience: Identify your target audience. Consider their interests, preferences, and the type of content they find valuable. Tailoring your digital assets to your audience enhances engagement.
  3. Generate Content Ideas: Use ChatGPT to brainstorm content ideas. Provide a prompt related to your chosen topic, and let ChatGPT suggest ideas, angles, or perspectives. Refine these suggestions to suit your objectives.
  4. Create Engaging Headlines: Use ChatGPT to generate catchy headlines for your digital assets. A compelling headline can significantly impact the success of your content, attracting readers or viewers.
  5. Draft Blog Posts or Articles: Utilize ChatGPT to assist in drafting blog posts or articles. Provide an introduction or a brief outline, and let ChatGPT generate paragraphs or sections. Edit and refine the content to align with your style.
  6. Craft Social Media Content: Create engaging social media posts with ChatGPT. Generate concise and compelling text for tweets, Facebook updates, or Instagram captions. Ensure the content is shareable and aligns with your brand voice.
  7. Develop Email Copy: Use ChatGPT to draft email copy for newsletters, marketing campaigns, or other communications. Specify your key message, and let ChatGPT assist in generating engaging and informative content.
  8. Design Visual Elements: While ChatGPT primarily focuses on text, it can help generate ideas for visual content. Describe the visual elements you’re looking for, and let ChatGPT provide suggestions that you can use as inspiration.
  9. Ensure Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand voice and style across your digital assets. If you have specific guidelines, communicate them to ChatGPT to ensure the generated content aligns with your brand identity.
  10. Review and Edit: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s important to review and edit the generated content. Ensure accuracy, coherence, and adherence to your guidelines before publishing or sharing the digital assets.

Stay tuned for part 2


Work From Home

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